Ostrich Oil composition
Fatty acids (FAs) represent the predominating component of ostrich oil, with a lipid content of 98.8% for subcutaneous adipose tissue, and 98.0% for retroperitoneal adipose tissue. Ostrich oil comprises approximately 42% oleic acid, 21% linoleic acid, and 21% palmitic acid, with lower levels of other FAs, including 1% a-linolenic acid. More recently, Beckerbauer et al. demonstrated that Ostriches fed a diet rich in unsaturated fat (soybean oil) produced oil that was more polyunsaturated compared with ostrich fed a diet rich in saturated fat. These findings indicate that diet composition can significantly influence the composition of ostrich oil and hence possibly impact on oil efficacy (Abimosleh et al., 2012).
Ostrich oil contains Omega 6 (Linoleic), Omega 9 (Oleic), Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s), and certain Vitamins and Amino Acids to help maintain the health of your skin membranes. These omega oils cause the Ostrich to have the most powerful immune system of any land animal. These properties promote healthy and youthful skin, penetrating deeply into the skin providing luxurious moisture for hours without clogging pores, unlike petroleum-based products.